Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Google’s Doodle
This is not exactly a topic for a custom framing shop. But I wouldn’t be able to share this with you without internet.
On March 12, 2019 on Google’s home page was a Doodle, a special Google logo, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web.
It is a pixelated Google logo with an old fashion desktop computer from 30 years ago as the Doodle.
If you noticed the Doodle is animated and shows a slow internet connection loading a GIF of a globe on the screen.
You may read about special celebration at a place where WWW was firs introduced cann
Today we can’t imaging our lives without emails, websites, chats, Google, Facebook, Twitter, to name a few.
And all of this started just 30 years ago.
We, framers have our brick and mortar businesses presented on the World Wide Web, and we struggle for dominance on the internet.
We have our professional organisation on line, framers directories, Facebook group “Framers only”, and many-many more.
So, we celebrate this anniversary as a part of a multi-billion member community of the internet users.